PC 德国科思创(拜耳) RX1805 451118 透明 白色加纤 光扩散
PC: 透明
RX1805 45: 白色加纤
德国科思创: 光扩散
报价: 45.00元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 166
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875

PC 科思创(拜耳)RX


用途: 其它

重要参数: 熔体流动速率:15 g/10min 密度:1.2 g/cm3 缺口冲击强度:854 拉伸强度:60 MPa 断裂伸长率:150 % 弯曲模量:2410 MPa 硬度:68 热变形温度:127 

多数塑料很自然地在根部滑动,因为它们进入时是冷的,摩擦力还没有把根部加热到和筒壁一样热。一些材料比另一些材料更可能粘附:高度塑化PVC,非晶体PET,和 某些终使用中想要的有粘附特性的聚烯烃类共聚合物。


医疗器械;高抗脂质性;适用于高能辐射灭菌;符合许多ISO 10993-1试验要求的生物相容性;高粘度;注射成型-熔融温度280-320°C;医疗器械透明部件.                                                            PC树脂的可见光透过率在90﹪以上,具有突出的抗冲击能力,耐蠕变,尺寸稳定性好及耐化学腐蚀性,耐热、吸水率低、无毒、介电性能优良,还有自熄、易增强阻燃性等优良性能。PC是几乎无色的玻璃态的无定形聚合物,有很好的光学性。PC高分子量树脂有很高的韧性,悬臂梁缺口冲击强度为600~900J/m,未填充牌号的热变形温度大约为130°C ,玻璃纤维增强后可使这个数值增加10°C。PC的弯曲模量可达2400MPa以上,树脂可加工制成大的刚性制品。低于100°C 时,在负载下的蠕变率很低。PC耐水解性差,不能用于重复经受高压蒸汽的制品。PC主要性能缺陷是耐水解稳定性不够高,对缺口敏感,耐有机化学品性,耐刮痕性较差,长期暴露于紫外线中会发黄。和其他树脂一样,PC容易受某些有机溶剂的浸浊。PC材料具有阻燃性,耐磨。抗氧化性。PC由于具有优异的综合性能,尤其以耐冲击强度高而被誉为塑料之“冠”,是使用范围十分广泛、性能优异、备受欢迎的主要热塑性工程塑料品种之一。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PC Costco (Bayer) rxpc/PC 518R/m. Holland usage: other important parameters: melt flow rate: 15G/10min density: 1.2 g/cm3 notch impact strength: 854 tensile strength: 60mpa elongation at break: 150% bending modulus: 2,410 MPa hardness: 68 hot deformation temperature: 127 ° C something most plastics slide naturally at the root, because they come in cold, and the friction hasn't yet heated the roots to the same heat as the barrel wall. Some materials are more likely to adhere than others: highly plasticized PVC, amorphous PET, and certain end-use polyolefin copolymers with desired adhesion properties. The grooved cylinder is a special case. The trough is in the feed area, which is thermally insulated and deeply water-cooled from the rest of the cylinder. The thread pushes the particles into the groove and creates a high pressure over a fairly short distance. This increases the occlusion allowance for the same output at lower screw speeds, resulting in less friction heat at the front end and lower melt temperatures. This may mean that cooling limits faster production in blown film production lines. The tank is particularly suitable for HDPE, which is a general purpose plastic that slides in addition to perfluorinated plastics. Medical devices; high anti-lipid property; suitable for high energy radiation sterilization; Biocompatibility meeting many ISO 10993-1 test re; high viscosity; injection molding-melting temperature 280-320 â ° C; transparent components of medical devicesThe visible light transmittance of PC resin is over 90% , it has outstanding impact resistance, creep resistance, good dimensional stability and chemical corrosion resistance, low heat resistance, low water absorption, non-toxic and excellent dielectric properties, there are self-extinguishing, easy to enhance flame retardancy and other excellent properties. PC is a nearly colorless amorphous glassy polymer with excellent optical properties. PC high molecular weight resin has high toughness. The notched impact strength of the cantilever beam is 600 ~ 900 J/m. the hot deformation temperature of the unfilled grade is about 130 ° C, which can be increased by 10 ° C when the glass fiber is reinforced. The bending modulus of PC can reach more than 2400MPa, and the resin can be processed into large rigid products. The creep rate under load is very low below 100 ° C. PC has poor hydrolysis resistance and can not be used for products subjected to repeated high pressure steam. The main performance defects of PC are low hydrolysis stability, notch sensitivity, resistance to organic chemicals, poor scratch resistance and yellowing after long-term exposure to UV light. Like other resins, pcs are susceptible to clouding by certain organic solvents. PC material has flame-retardant, wear-resistant. Antioxidant. PC is known as the“Crown” of plastics because of its excellent comprehensive properties, especially its high impact strength, it is one of the most popular thermoplastic engineering plastics with wide application and excellent performance.

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫