PFA 美国杜邦 340 高韧性,耐化学,抗蠕变
PFA: 高韧性
340: 耐化学
美国杜邦: 抗蠕变
报价: 130.00元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 160
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875





PFA的熔点大约为580F,密度为2.13— 2.16g/cc(克/立方厘米)。PFA与 PTFE和FEP相似,但在302T以上时,机械性能略优于FEP,且可在高达500F下的温度下使用,它的耐化学品性与PTFE相当。PFA的产品形式有用于模塑和挤塑的粒状产品,用于旋转模塑和涂料的粉状产品;



PFA的熔点大约为580F,密度为2.13- 2.16g/cc(克/立方厘米)。PFA与PTFE和FEP相似,但在302T以上时,机械性能略优于FEP,且可在高达500F下的温度下使用,它的耐化学品性与PTFE相当。

PFA的产品形式有用于模塑和挤塑的粒状产品,用于旋转模塑和涂料的粉状产品;其半成品有膜、板、棒和管材。美国市场经销的PFA树脂有DUPOut公司的Teflon牌、Daikin公司的Neoflon牌、Ansimont公司的Hthen牌、HOechst Celanese公司的Hostafl牌。PFA的用途与FEP类似。

3. Translucent granular material, injection molding, extrusion molding. The molding temperature is 350-400 ℃, and above 475 ℃, it is easy to cause discoloration or bubbles. And notice that demoulding will be more difficult.

4. Because the molten material has corrosive effect on the metal, the mold needs chrome plating for long-term production.

Perfluoroalkoxy resin

PFA resin is relatively new fluoroplastics that can be melted and processed.

The melting point of PFA is about 580F, and the density is 2.13-2.16g/cc (g/cm3). PFA is similar to PTFE and FEP, but its mechanical properties are slightly better than FEP when it is above 302T, and it can be used at temperatures up to 500F, and its chemical resistance is e to that of PTFE. PFA products include granular products for molding and extrusion, and powder products for rotary molding and coating;

The melting point of PFA is about 580F, and the density is 2.13 - 2.16g/cc (g/cm3). PFA is similar to PTFE and FEP, but its mechanical properties are slightly better than FEP when it is above 302T, and it can be used at temperatures up to 500F, and its chemical resistance is e to that of PTFE.PFA products include granular products for molding and extrusion, and powder products for rotary molding and coating; Its semi-finished products include membrane, plate, rod and pipe. PFA resins distributed in the U.S. market include DuPOut's Teflon brand, Daikin's Neolon brand, Ansimont's Hthen brand, and HOechst Cellanese's Hostafl brand. The use of PFA is similar to that of FEP.

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫