美国苏威PVDF 6008/0001氟乙烯耐高温耐腐
PVDF: 注塑级
6008/0: 高粘度
美国苏威: 薄膜级
报价: 450.00元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 203
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875

美国苏威PVDF 6008/0001氟乙烯耐高温耐腐

  • 卓越的耐化学性,能抵抗多种侵蚀性液体和溶剂。

  • 表面光滑,可防污

  • 良好的抗渗透性

  • 注塑成型级

  • 卓越的强度和尺寸稳定性

  • 良好的颜色稳定性

3M™ Dyneon™ 氟塑料聚偏氟乙烯 6008/0001是适合多个行业各种应用领域的理想产品,其固有的纯度和耐化学性能抵抗各种侵蚀性液体和溶剂。采用各种常规热塑性转换技术来轻松加工处理均聚物聚偏氟乙烯。

采用各种常规热塑性转换技术来轻松加工处理聚偏氟乙烯 6008/0001,是适合于挤压的理想产品,表现出卓越的尺寸稳定性、抗磨性和高强度。当温度逐步升高时,聚偏氟乙烯 6008/0001能维持其机械性能。典型应用:聚偏氟乙烯 6008/0001 是适于挤压的理想材料。


3M Dyneon™ PVDF 6008/0001 Polyvinylidene Fluoride


3M Dyneon™


Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) is ideal for multiple applications across a wide array of industries. Widely used in the chemical process industry, wire and cable industry, semiconductor industry, and oil and gas industry, PVDF is also gaining recognition in automotive, building, electronics, pharmaceutical and batteries. 3M™ Dyneon™ PVDF 6008/0001 is easily processed under a variety of conventional thermoplastic conversionues, being particularly suitable for extrusion. PVDF 6008/0001 is inherently pure and chemically resistant against a variety of aggressive fluids and solvents. PVDF 6008/0001 exhibits excellent dimensional stability, abrasion resistance and high strength, and maintains its mechanical properties at elevated temperature.

  • Excellent chemical resistance to a variety of aggressive fluids and solvents

  • Good permeation resistance

  • Smooth, anti-fouling surfaces

  • Injection molding grade

  • Excellent strength and dimensional stability

  • Good color stability

Information provided by Dyneon, A 3M Company


物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
密度1.78 g/cc0.0643 lb/in³ISO 1183
吸水率<= 0.040 %<= 0.040 %24 hr @ 23°C; ISO 62 (method 1)
Melt Index of Compound8.0 g/10 min

@Load 2.16 kg, Temperature 230 °C

8.0 g/10 min

@Load 4.76 lb, Temperature 446 °F

ASTM D1238

24 g/10 min

@Load 5.00 kg, Temperature 230 °C

24 g/10 min

@Load 11.0 lb, Temperature 446 °F

ASTM D1238
机械性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
抗张强度(断裂)55.0 MPa7980 psi50mm/min; ASTM D638
抗张强度(屈服)42.0 MPa6090 psi50mm/min; ASTM D638
伸长率 (断裂)35 %35 %50mm/min; ASTM D638
屈服伸长率7.0 %7.0 %50mm/min; ASTM D638
弯曲模量2.20 GPa319 ksi2mm/min; ASTM D790
热性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
熔融温度174 °C345 °FASTM D3418
载荷下热变形温度(0.46 MPa)147 °C297 °FASTM D648
载荷下热变形温度(1.8 MPa)112 °C234 °F
极限氧指数44 %

@Thickness 3.00 mm

44 %

@Thickness 0.118 in

Sheet; ASTM D2863
流量3.0 %3.0 %
  • 4062451128.jpg

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫