特氟龙PFA 950HP低烟度低吸湿耐化学耐热耐候
PFA: 低烟度高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)良好的电
950HP: 良好的柔韧性流动性低耐化学性良好
美国杜邦: 耐气候影响性能良好耐热性,中等热稳定性,
报价: 26.00元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 168
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875

PFA(氟聚合物树脂)950HP Plus/科慕化学/物性表参数

日期:2022-12-06 10:30:25 编辑:科思德塑胶 来源:科思德塑胶 浏览:37

科慕化学Teflon PFA 950HP Plus是一种低MFR树脂的四氟乙烯-全氟烷氧基醚共聚物树脂,这种氟聚合物树脂适用于模塑和挤塑应用,熔流率是2MFR(g/10分钟)(测试条件ASTM D2116),熔点是290℃(408°F)测试条件(ASTM,D4591/D3418),适用于管道、模压成型部件和衬里、高纯度应用中的容器和化学品输送系统的板衬里。

Teflon® PFA 950HP Plus


DuPont Fluoropolymers


For inventory control purposes product name may be followed by an X.

Products labeled PFA 950HP Plus and PFA 950HP Plus X are equivalent and all information in this document is applicable to both.

Typical Application
With an exceptional typical MIT folding endurance of 2,500,000* cycles, DuPont™ Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus is designed to withstand repeated flexing and the most aggressive chemical stress-cracking agents. Applications for Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus include fluid handling components for high-performance chemical delivery systems, as well as tubing, unsupported pipe linings for the production of ultra-pure chemicals, and semiconductor components where purity in the parts-per-billion range is critical.

DuPont™ Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus is a premium fluoroplastic resin available in pellet form. Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus possesses the same exceptional chemical resistance, high purity, and protection against ionic contamination as Teflon ® PFA HP grades with the added benefits of improved flex life and chemical stress-crack resistance. Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus meets the increasingly stringent requirements for ultra-reliable and non-contaminating parts, as well as unmatched HCl permeation resistance. The improved flex life and chemical resistance will reduce the cost of ownership of high purity fluid handling systems by reducing downtime caused by mechanical or chemical stresses. Additionally, parts molded with Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus have improved clarity and a smooth finish, which can further help prevent buildup of microbial contamination in water handling systems. Table 1 shows the typical property data for Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus.

Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus is a relatively low melt flow rate (typical MFR of 2), special purpose resin with the lowest level of extractables designed to meet ultra-high purity requirements. The enhanced resistance to environmental stress-cracking makes Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus a preferred resin when extended service is required in hostile environments involving chemical, thermal, and mechanical stress. Additionally, the enhanced purity of Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus makes it suitable for applications that require improved color, lower extractable fluorides, and freedom from other foreign materials. This product contains no additives and is designed for hostile chemical environments where purity in the parts-per-billion range is needed. Examples are in semiconductor manufacture, fluid handling systems for industry or life sciences, and instrumentation for precise measurements of fluid systems. Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus combines the processing ease of conventional thermoplastics with the properties similar to those of polytetrafluoroethylene.

With Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus, components can last longer under dynamic loads and resist damage caused by ozonated fluids and fluorosurfactants. Combined with exceptionalchemical, ermeation, and stress-crack resistance, this durability leads to a reduced cost of ownership. The high purity and fully fluorinated molecule end groups of Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus can reduce contamination to protect process yields.

Properly processed products made from neat Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus resin provide the superior properties characteristic of fluoroplastic resins: chemical inertness, exceptional dielectric properties, heat resistance, toughness and flexibility, low coefficient of friction, non-stick characteristics, negligible moisture absorption, low flammability, performance at temperature extremes, and excellent weather resistance.

In a flame situation, products of Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus resist ignition and do not promote flame spread. When ignited by flame from other sources, their contribution of heat is very small and added at a slow rate with very little smoke.

Teflon ® PFA 950HP Plus meets the requirements of ASTM D3307, Type V


  • 纯度高

  • 低摩擦系数

  • 低吸湿性

  • 低烟度

  • 高 ESCR(抗应力开裂)

  • 良好的电气性能

  • 良好的柔韧性

  • 流动性低

  • 耐化学性良好

  • 耐气候影响性能良好

  • 耐热性,中等

  • 热稳定性,良好

  • 韧性良好

  • 食品接触的合规性

  • 中等透明度

  • 衬里

  • 管道系统

  • 管件

  • 液体处理

  • FDA 食品接触, 未评级

  • 粒子

  • 吹塑成型

  • 挤出

  • 树脂传递成型

  • 压缩模塑

  • 注射成型

比重2.14g/cm³ASTM D792
熔流率(熔体流动速率) (372°C/5.0 kg)2.0g/10 minASTM D3307, ISO 12086
吸水率 (24 hr)< 0.030%ASTM D570
肖氏硬度 (邵氏 D)55
ASTM D2240, ISO 868

ASTM D3307, ISO 12086
    23°C28.0MPaASTM D3307, ISO 12086
    200°C15.0MPaASTM D3307, ISO 12086

ASTM D3307, ISO 12086
    断裂, 23°C260%ASTM D3307, ISO 12086
    断裂, 200°C450%ASTM D3307, ISO 12086

ASTM D790, ISO 178
    23°C600MPaASTM D790, ISO 178
    200°C50.0MPaASTM D790, ISO 178
熔融温度290°CASTM D4591
体积电阻率1.0E+18ohms·cmASTM D257, ISO 1325

    0.250 mm 180kV/mmASTM D149
    0.250 mm80kV/mmIEC 60243-1
介电常数 (1 MHz)2.03
ASTM D150, IEC 60250
耗散因数 (1 MHz)< 2.0E-4
ASTM D150, IEC 60250
UL 阻燃等级 2V-0
UL 94
极限氧指数> 95%ASTM D2863, ISO 4589-2

Critical Shear Rate (372°C)12.0sec^-1
MIT Folding Endurance 3(200.0 µm)2.5E+6CyclesASTM D2176
美国Nature Works聚乳酸 Ingeo PLA 4032D 是用于在加工高热膜的材料, 美国Nature Works聚乳酸4000系列是专为制作定向电影,卡片库存和平面艺术,Ingeo包括使用温度范围从热可密封的电影在175F (80C

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫