医疗级POM 美国杜邦 SC631 成核化 中高粘度 聚甲醛 医疗行业
POM: 医疗级
SC631: 成核化 中高粘度
美国杜邦: 聚甲醛 医疗行业
报价: 35.00元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 138
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875

Delrin POM SC631 NC010 美国杜邦 成絯的 医疗/护理用品

原包原厂美国杜邦Delrin SC631 NC010 润滑性 医用级 脱模级POM塑胶原料

现货供应 POM美国杜邦 SC631 NC010 医疗级 医疗器械零件

美国杜邦Delrin POM SC631 NC010 高抗撞击 高强度 医疗应用 塑胶原料

Delrin SC631 NC010




Delrin SC631 NC010 是一种缩醛树脂产品。 它 可以通过 挤出或注射成型 进行处理,且可以在 北美洲、非洲和中东、拉丁美洲、欧洲或亚太地区中获得。 Delrin SC631 NC010 应用包括 软管、医疗/保健 和 工程/工业配件。


性能特点 :尺寸稳定性良好刚性,高高强度均聚物


用途 :齿轮工程配件管道医疗/护理领域的应用

外观 :自然色

形式 :颗粒料

Delrin® 100 BK602POM高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 100 NC010POM高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 100AFPOM-Z2020% Teflon®纤维填充 高粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能

美国杜邦 POM聚甲醛 工

Delrin® 100AL NC010

POM-Z润滑 高粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 100ALE NC010POM-ZLubricated High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Low Wear and Low Friction and Very Low EmissionsDelrin® 100CPE NC010POMHigh Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Very Low EmissionsDelrin® 100KM NC000POM-ZKevlar® 改性 高粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 100P BK602POM高粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 100P NC010POM高粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 100ST BK602POM-I超韧 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 100ST NC010POM-I超韧 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 100STE NC010POM-I超韧 高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 100T BK602POM-I增韧 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 100T NC010POM-I增韧 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 100TE NC010POM-I增韧 高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 100TL NC010POM-ZTeflon®润滑 高粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 111DP BK402POMNucleated High Viscosity Acetal HomopolymerDelrin® 111DP NC010POMNucleated High Viscosity Acetal HomopolymerDelrin® 111PA NC010POM成核化 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 127UV BK701POM耐UV 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 127UV NC010POM耐UV 高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 127UVE BK701POMUV Stabilized High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Very Low EmissionsDelrin® 127UVE NC010POM耐UV 高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 150 NC010POM成核化 高粘度均聚甲醛用于挤出成型Delrin® 300ATB BK000POM-I-CD增韧, 静电分散, 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 300CP BK602POMMedium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Improved ProcessingDelrin® 300CP NC010POM中高粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 300CPE NC010POMMedium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Improved Processing and Very Low EmissionsDelrin® 300TE BK602POM-I增韧 中高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 300TE NC010POM-I增韧 中高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 311DP BK402POM成核化 中高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 311DP NC010POM成核化 中高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 327UVE NC010POM耐UV 中高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 500AFPOM-Z2020% Teflon®纤维填充 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 500AL NC010POM-Z润滑 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 500CL BK601POM润滑 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 500CL NC010POM润滑 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 500CPE NC010POMMedium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Improved Processing and Very Low EmissionsDelrin® 500MT NC010POM-IMedium Toughened, Toughened, Medium Viscosity Acetal HomopolymerDelrin® 500P BK602POM中等粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 500P NC010POM中等粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 500T BK602POM-I增韧 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 500T NC010POM-I增韧 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 500TL NC010POM-ZTeflon®润滑 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 510GR NC000POM-GF1010% 玻纤增强 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 511CPE NC010POMNucleated Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Very Low EmissionsDelrin® 511DP BK402POM成核化 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 511DP NC010POM成核化 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 520MP NC010POM-Z2020% Teflon®润滑 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能Delrin® 525GR BK000POM-GF2525% 玻纤增强 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 525GR NC000POM-GF2525% Glass Reinforced Medium Viscosity Acetal HomopolymerDelrin® 527UV BK701POM耐UV 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 527UV NC010POM耐UV 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 527UVE RD402POM耐UV 中等粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性Delrin® 570 NC000POM-GF2020% 玻纤填充 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 577 BK000POM-GF2020% 玻纤填充 中等粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 900P BK602POM低粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 900P NC010POM低粘度均聚甲醛具有更佳的加工性能Delrin® 911DP NC010POM成核化 低粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® 911PE NC010POMNucleated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer and Very Low EmissionsDelrin® FG100 NC010POM高粘度均聚甲醛Delrin® FG100P NC010POM高粘度均聚甲醛用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG100TL NC010POM-ZTeflon®润滑 高粘度均聚甲醛具有低磨耗和低摩擦性能用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG111DP NC010POMNucleated High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for Food Contact ApplicationsDelrin® FG150 NC010POM高粘度均聚甲醛用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG311DP NC010POM成核化 中高粘度均聚甲醛用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG500AL NC010POM-ZDelrin® FG500MXD BLA090POM-(MD+X)X-ray and metal Detectable Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for Food Contact ApplicationsDelrin® FG500P NC010POM中等粘度均聚甲醛用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG500SC NC010POM-ZSilicone Lubricated Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Concentrate Developed for Enhancing Lubricity and Food Contact ApplicationsDelrin® FG511DP NC010POM成核化 中等粘度均聚甲醛用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG900P NC010POM低粘度均聚甲醛用于与食品接触的应用Delrin® FG911DP NC010POMNucleated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for Food Contact ApplicationsDelrin® PC650 NC010POMMedium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® PC652 NC010POM-ZLubricated Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Low Wear and Low Friction Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® PC690 NC010POMLow Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® PC691 NC010POMNucleated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® PC699 NC010POM-ZSilicone Lubricated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Low Wear and Low Friction Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® SC631 NC010POMNucleated Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® SC655 NC010POMMedium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® SC690 NC010POMLow Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® SC698 NC010POM-ZSilicone Lubricated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Low Wear and Low Friction Developed for the Healthcare IndustryDelrin® SC699 NC010POM-ZSilicone Lubricated Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with Low Wear and Low Friction Developed for the Healthcare IndustryMB40-006(POM+(Si))Tribology modifier for POM.


Processing method: extrusion-injection molding I, POM introduction: POM scientific name Polyoxymethylene, English name Acetal resin, Polyoxymethylene, Polyacetal, referred to as POM, commonly known as saigang. Polyformaldehyde is prepared by solution polymerization, bulk polymerization, radiation polymerization or gas-phase polymerization, esterification or etherification, which makes the end group closed and granulated. Paraformaldehyde is divided into two kinds: homopolymeraldehyde and copolyformaldehyde, which is obtained by polymerizing anhydrous paraformaldehyde. Copolyformaldehyde is the product of copolymerization of triformaldehyde and a small amount of dioxane. 2. Overview of Pom: polyoxymethylene, also known as polyoxymethylene (Pom) . Due to its regular molecular structure and crystallinity, its physical and mechanical properties are very excellent, known as metal and plastic. POM is an opalescent crystalline linear thermoplastic resin with good comprehensive properties and colouring, high elastic modulus, high stiffness and hardness, specific strength and specific stiffness close to metal, tensile strength, excellent bending strength, creep resistance and fatigue resistance, resistance to repeated impact, excellent load recovery; low friction coefficient, wear resistance, good dimensional stability, good surface gloss, high viscoelasticity, electrical insulation, good insulation and resistance to humidity good resistance to chemicals apart from strong acids, phenols and halocarbon, stable to other chemicals, oil resistance mechanical properties are less affected by temperature, with high thermal deformation temperature. The disadvantage is poor flame retardancy, slow combustion in the fire, oxygen index is small, even if the addition of flame retardants can not be satisfied re, in addition, poor weather resistance, outdoor applications to add stabilizer. Applications of POM: high temperature electrical socket parts, electrical parts, gears, bearings, rollers, spring supports, pulleys, bolts, impellers, fan blades, propellers, high pressure sealing gaskets, seats, pipelines, oil storage capacity

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫