WIT高韧性PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3HG6 抗撞击性 尼龙Play 高流动性
PA66: WIT高韧性
A3HG6: 高流动性
德国巴斯夫: 抗撞击性
报价: 31.00元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 82
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875

生产德国巴斯夫PA66 树脂的工艺方式有两种:1间歇聚合法;2连续聚合法。因间歇聚合工艺成熟且具有较大的生产灵活性, 华韵塑料公司出售以间歇聚合法生产工艺为例介绍PA66树脂的生产。间歇聚合生产PA66树脂工艺来自50%的尼龙66 盐水溶液在浓缩器内被浓缩至浓度为80%后排入聚合釜, 80%的尼龙66盐液在聚合釜内经聚合反应后产生熔融的聚合物, 经聚合釜底部的铸带板挤出切粒, 即生成德国巴斯夫PA66树脂湿切片粒子。PA66树脂湿切片粒子经预脱水、筛分后送入中间料仓暂存。足够的PA66树脂湿切片被连续地送至干燥塔内进行干燥, 干燥合格的PA66树脂即被送至成品料仓进行包装。

PA66尼龙A3WG3 --注塑级,15%玻纤增强。适合机械部件,中等刚性和尺寸稳定性的外壳等。

PA66尼龙A3WG5 --注塑级,25%玻纤增强。用于高刚性的机械部件。

PA66尼龙A3WG6 --注塑级,30%玻纤增强。用于高刚性和尺寸稳定性的机械部件和护罩。


阻燃Ultramid A,B,C(尼龙66,6,6/66)

PA66尼龙A3X2G5 --注塑级,25%玻纤增强,红磷阻燃。具有优异的机械性能和电性能。其制品如交流电接触器。

PA66尼龙A3X2G7 --注塑级,35%玻纤增强,红磷阻燃。具有极高的刚性和强度,杰出的电性能。 

There are two process methods for producing BASF PA66 resin in Germany: 1. intermittent polymerization; 2. Continuous polymerization method. Due to the mature and flexible batch polymerization process, Huayun Plastic Company introduces the production of PA66 resin using the batch polymerization process as an example. The intermittent polymerization process for producing PA66 resin comes from a 50% nylon 66 salt water solution being concentrated in a concentrator to a concentration of 80% before being discharged into the polymerization kettle. 80% of the nylon 66 salt solution undergoes polymerization reaction in the polymerization kettle to produce molten polymer, which is then extruded and cut into particles through a casting plate at the bottom of the polymerization kettle, generating wet sliced particles of BASF PA66 resin from Germany. PA66 resin wet sliced particles are pre dehydrated and screened before being sent to the intermediate silo for temporary storage. Sufficient wet slices of PA66 resin are continuously sent to the drying tower for drying, and PA66 resin is then sent to the finished product warehouse for packaging.

PA66 nylon A3WG3- injection grade, reinforced with 15% glass fiber. Suitable for mechanical components, moderately rigid and dimensionally stable enclosures, etc.

PA66 nylon A3WG5- injection grade, 25% glass fiber reinforced. Used for high rigidity mechanical components.

PA66 nylon A3WG6- injection grade, 30% glass fiber reinforced. Mechanical components and shields for high rigidity and dimensional stability.

Flame retardant Ultramid A, B, C grades (nylon 66,6,6/66)

PA66 nylon A3X2G5- injection grade, 25% glass fiber reinforced, red phosphorus flame retardant. Has excellent mechanical and electrical properties. Its products such as AC contactors.

PA66 nylon A3X2G7- injection grade, 35% glass fiber reinforced, red phosphorus flame retardant. It has extremely high rigidity and strength, and outstanding electrical performance.

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫