ABS 台湾奇美 PA-758R 高刚性、耐化学性、透明
ABS: 高刚性
PA-758R: 耐化学性
台湾奇美: 透明
报价: 16.50元/千克
最小起订: 1
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2023-12-28 17:14
浏览次数: 154
手机号: 18938547875
电话: 18938547875

ABS塑料-ABS生产方法  ABS生产方法分为掺混法和接枝法。现在世界主要生产商大多采用先接枝再掺混的方法,此法又分为乳液接枝—悬浮SAN掺混法,乳液接枝—悬浮SAN掺混法,乳液接枝—本体SAN掺混法。新兴的本体接枝法无论从生产成本和对环境的影响都有很大优势,是今后研究的。

ABS塑料-ABS的分类  ABS根据冲击强度可分为:抗冲型、高抗冲击型、中抗冲型等品种; 



台湾奇美ABS塑料-ABS用途  ABS 限 树脂的应用领域是汽车、电子电器和建材。汽车领域的使用包括汽车仪表板、车身外板、内装饰板、方向盘、隔音板、门锁、保险杠、通风管等很多部件。在电器方面则广泛应用于电冰箱、电视机、洗衣机、空调器、计算机、复印机等电子电器中。建材方面,ABS管材、ABS卫生洁具、ABS装饰板广泛应用于建材工业。ABS还广泛的应用于包装、家具、体育和娱乐用品、机械和仪表工业中。 



ABS plastics-ABS production method ABS production method is divided into blending method and grafting method. At present, most of the world's major manufacturers adopt the method of grafting first and then blending. This method can be divided into lotion grafting suspension SAN blending method, lotion grafting suspension SAN blending method, and lotion grafting bulk SAN blending method. The emerging bulk grafting method has great advantages in terms of production cost and environmental impact, and is to be studied in the future.

ABS plastic-ABS classification ABS can be divided into: impact resistance type, high impact resistance type, medium impact resistance type and other types according to impact strength;

ABS can be divided into injection, extrusion, calendering, vacuum, blow molding and other varieties according to the difference of molding process;

ABS can also be divided into general grade, heat resistant grade, electroplating grade, flame retardant grade, transparent grade, antistatic grade, extruded plate grade, pipe grade and other varieties according to its use and performance characteristics.

Taiwan Qimei ABS plastic - ABS resin for ABS use is used in automobiles, electronic appliances and building materials. The use in the automobile field includes many parts, such as automobile instrument panel, exterior body panel, interior trim panel, steering wheel, soundproof panel, door lock, bumper, ventilation pipe, etc. In electrical appliances, it is widely used in refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, air conditioners, computers, copiers and other electronic appliances. In terms of building materials, ABS pipes, ABS sanitary ware and ABS decorative plates are widely used in the building materials industry. In addition, ABS is also widely used in packaging, furniture, sports and entertainment products, machinery and instrument industries.

The main body of ABS plastic is a blend or terpolymer of acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene, which is a tough and rigid thermoplastic. Styrene makes ABS have good plasticity, luster and rigidity; Acrylonitrile makes ABS have good heat resistance, chemical corrosion resistance and surface hardness; Butadiene makes ABS have good impact strength and low temperature resilience. The proportion of the three components is different, and their properties also change.

ABS resin has a wide range of applications in the field of consumer goods, such as building materials, pipes, plates or sheets. In recent years, it has been partially replaced by PVC resin with a lower price. ABS resin is used in the fields related to construction, in which extruded sheets are used for sanitary appliances, such as bath boxes, swimming pool linings, etc. In addition, injection molded pipes and pipe fittings, and a small amount of extruded telephone cable pipelines are produced.

  • 地址:广州市南沙区丰泽东路106号(自编1号楼)X1301-E014087
  • 电话:18938547875
  • 手机:18938547875
  • 联系人:蒋红卫